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Bouquet of roses

A beautiful bouquet of fresh, fragrant roses, ideal for any occasion. Each bouquet is made up of premium quality roses, carefully chosen for their beauty and freshness. A real vector of emotions to express your feelings.

Our creations are made according to the day's arrival and the season to guarantee quality and freshness. It is possible that some flower varieties may vary depending on circumstances.

Unit price: 7 CHF

Price of the bouquet presented: 140 CHF

Sale priceCHF 7.00
Bouquet of roses
Bouquet of roses Sale priceCHF 7.00

jungle pop

our freshness guarantee

our plants

At Jungle Pop, we are committed to offering you an unrivaled floral experience, characterized by the exceptional quality of our plants. Each flower, each plant is selected with the greatest care, according to strict criteria of freshness, vitality and beauty.

Our commitment to quality is reflected in every product we offer. Whether it's a bouquet of fresh cut flowers, an elegant floral arrangement or an indoor or outdoor plant.

our producers

We attach great importance to the origin of our plants. This is why our producers are carefully selected for their know-how, their respect for environmental standards and their passion.

By favoring local and European partners, we not only contribute to supporting the local economy, but also to reduce our carbon footprint by minimizing transport distances.


At Jungle Pop, we take great care of our flowers, from their selection to their delivery to you. To guarantee optimal quality, we do not use a refrigerated room to package our flowers in store.

For transport, our bouquets are carefully packaged and protected to guarantee perfect quality and freshness throughout the delivery process.

They talk about us
