Signature Bouquet
Our modern and contemporary Signature Bouquet is a unique floral creation designed for those who appreciate bold and innovative designs. This bouquet stands out for its avant-garde style, geometric shapes and vibrant color combinations. Perfect for lovers of modern design, this bouquet is ideal for bringing an artistic and contemporary touch to any space or for offering an original and trendy gift.
Bouquet Features:
- Selection of fresh flowers in contemporary shapes and colors, such as exotic orchids, proteas, anthuriums and other exotic flowers and foliage.
- Artistic and geometric composition, playing with lines and contrasts for a striking visual effect.
For information, the flowers used for the composition of our signature bouquets vary depending on the arrival of the day and the seasons, each of our bouquets is therefore unique and different. The bouquets presented are in size L.
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Our collection of bouquets
2 colors available
our freshness guarantee
our plants
At Jungle Pop, we are committed to offering you an unrivaled floral experience, characterized by the exceptional quality of our plants. Each flower, each plant is selected with the greatest care, according to strict criteria of freshness, vitality and beauty.
Our commitment to quality is reflected in every product we offer. Whether it's a bouquet of fresh cut flowers, an elegant floral arrangement or an indoor or outdoor plant.
our producers
We attach great importance to the origin of our plants. This is why our producers are carefully selected for their know-how, their respect for environmental standards and their passion.
By favoring local and European partners, we not only contribute to supporting the local economy, but also to reduce our carbon footprint by minimizing transport distances.
At Jungle Pop, we take great care of our flowers, from their selection to their delivery to you. To guarantee optimal quality, we do not use a refrigerated room to package our flowers in store.
For transport, our bouquets are carefully packaged and protected to guarantee perfect quality and freshness throughout the delivery process.
Our floral subscriptions
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